April 2018 – Current
Lynda was successful in gaining funding for Tracking Turner from the Visual Arts and Craftmakers Awards: South of Scotland 2017/18 in partnership with Creative Scotland, Live Borders and Dumfries and Galloway Council.
Please contact Lynda for more information on upcoming Turner themed workshops.
This project is a self directed period of artistic development and experimentation working on notions of landscape painting, using JMW Turner’s painting Melrose (1831) as a literal and metaphorical anchor point. The starting point for this project is the physical and geographical link with Turner and the Scottish Borders.
Preliminary Studies | Mixed media on cardboard files (2018)
“I have become aware that this landscape has seeped its way into my paintings and drawings; the locale has started to appear unplanned and of its own volition, causing me to consider the historical context within which I now seem to be painting. Recently this was made more tangible during a conversation with a stranger by the river Tweed. He explained that two gnarled hawthorn trees can be seen in Turners painting, ‘Melrose’. These two trees have been daily landmarks for twelve years in my regular wanderings by the Tweed, ten minutes from my studio.”
Preliminary Studies | Sketchbooks (2018–2019)
Joseph Mallord William Turner | Melrose (1831) | Watercolour with scraping on paper | More here
Within the life-span of a tree, two painters connect across history. These trees now act as a focal point which roots and locates a sense of place.
Come and whisper way your wind
12 x 12cm | Watercolour, ink & art graf on watercolour paper
(2019) £165 framed
Shadowed Water
150cm x 120cm | Mixed media on canvas | Commission
Blinkered Sun
35 x 35cm | Mixed media on panel